For A.C. Manufacturing Ltd., sustainability is a way of thinking and working. This affects how we work with Lindab's strategy in all areas. Everything from the purchases we make, to the deliveries and the service we offer our customers.
Our sustainability work consists of activities in many different areas - from increasing knowledge about healthy indoor environments to launching new energy-efficient products, working systematically with safety, reducing the environmental impact of transports, finding new ways to optimise steel usage and how we support the local communities we are part of.
Read more about some selected activities as examples of our sustainability work:
Good air quality is key for our health. Since we spend most of our time indoors, about 90 percent or 629,000 hours, we want to spread the knowledge about the importance of a good indoor climate.
As part of making ventilation easier to understand, Lindab has produced short, animated films that describe everyday events and what effects they have on the ventilation. The purpose of the films is to raise interest in ventilation and make all of us demand healthy indoor environments in buildings we spend time in.
The Lindab family has gathered in front of the TV to watch a football game.
Where is that chilly wind coming from? Dad knows how to fix it!
It´s wonderful in summer! The green trees and the colourful flowers.
But there is also a lot that tickles the nose. Achoo!
It's time for the weekly cleaning of the house. The bathroom is thoroughly cleaned.
But what happened with the ventilation valve?
Is the ventilation in your classroom set to the right number of people?
Do you think about the indoor air and how it will affect your sleep when selecting a hotel?
How do you know if your indoor air quality is good? With an Airbird you can keep track of the quality of your indoor environment.
If you change how people are placed in an office, it's a good idea to consider the
ventilation and how it will affect people's well-being.
When planning the ventilation in a kindergarten or nursery, it is important to consider how the room will be used.